Published: 02.05.2021

Guest edited by Douglas Rogers


The Corporation in Russia

Douglas Rogers
Abstract 503 | PDF Downloads 279
Page 4-19


Agroholdings, Technology, and the Political Economy of Russian Agriculture

Susanne A. Wengle
Abstract 232 | PDF Downloads 192
Page 57-80

Fitness vs. Fizkul’tura: Nike and the Unfit Body in Moscow

Ben Krupp
Abstract 250 | PDF Downloads 204
Page 81-103

Book Reviews

Loraine Gelsthorpe, Perveez Mody, and Brian Sloan, eds. Spaces of Care. Oxford: Hart, 2020

Daria Litvina
Abstract 233 | PDF (Русский) Downloads 133
Page 137-141

Mira L. Siegelberg. Statelessness: A Modern History. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020

Kristina Khomiakova
Abstract 178 | PDF (Русский) Downloads 127
Page 172-176


Abstract 274 | PDF Downloads 74 PDF (Русский) Downloads 67
Page 177-180