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Alexander Bikbov


The editorial team presents the second “eclectic” issue of Laboratorium—an issue comprised of texts not tied together by a theme or a common project. The first issue that did this in 2011 did not include a special introduction, which only partially deviates from the established academic practice. The editors believe that alternating thematic and regular issues is both natural and fruitful, and we assume that the readers, who at times critique the model of the contemporary academic journal as a series of thematic anthologies, appreciate this diversity. Our expectations were met, and the previous issue was received with interest. As it turned out, our young journal is already perceived through the prism of an unintentionally established tradition, cleverly described by Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann as “the way of doing things.” This short introduction to this issue is a good place to note: there are other ways of doing things as well. The journal will continue to integrate these two models—that of thematic unity and the publication of independent research articles. At the same time, Laboratorium affirms its mission and the obligation it has accepted (“as previously agreed”): we reserve the pages of our journal first and foremost for research articles and discussion pieces grounded in empirical studies.


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