Liz Stanley, ed. Documents of Life Revisited: Narrative and Biographical Methodology for a 21st Century Critical Humanism. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2013

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Alexis Peri


Academic inquiry is always full of twists and turns, but it seems that the pathways of scholarship have become more winding of late. Or perhaps scholars are simply more intent on labeling all the zigs and zags. Cultural turn, linguistic turn, imperial turn, environmental turn—these are just a few of the designations used to plot recent trajectories of research in the humanities and social sciences. Documents of Life Revisited, edited by sociologist Liz Stanley, tackles the narrative turn—the recent focuson stories and storytelling as lynchpins of human experience.


Narrative, Individual Biographies, Interpretive Apparatus, Interdisciplinarity, Linguistic Turn

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