Ayşe Çağlar and Nina Glick Schiller. Migrants and City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2018

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Madeleine Reeves


Migrants and City-Making builds upon Ayşe Çağlar and Nina Glick Schiller’s voluminous contributions to migration studies and urban theory through a long-term study of urban transformation and migrant emplacement in three economically marginalized cities: Manchester, New Hampshire, in the United States; Halle (Saale) in Germany; and Mardin in southeastern Turkey, close to the Syrian border. In contrast with scholarship in migration and urban studies that has foregrounded the study of ethnic or neighborhood communities, hometown associations, or “ethnic entrepreneurs” in global cities (Eckstein and Nguyen 2011; Rath 2011; Watson 2009), the authors ask how regeneration agendas have been implemented in what they call “disempowered” cities and explore the place of migrants in both narratives of urban revival and policies of urban regeneration.

Text in English

DOI: 10.25285/2078-1938-2020-12-1-203-207


Migrants, City-Making, Displacement, Urban Space, Population

Abstract 172 | PDF Downloads 165