About the Journal

Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research is an open-access international journal since 2023 published by the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at George Washington University in cooperation with the Centre for Independent Social Research (founder and in 2009–2023 official publisher of the journal). Laboratorium publishes materials in Russian and English.

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Call for paper for a special issue on "Sacral Spaces of Memory: Orthodox Art and Memorial Practices in Contemporary Russia"

Guest editors of the special issue:

Olga Rusinova and Tatiana Voronina

In the current academic literature, religious practices are approached either from the perspective of memory studies or as part of theological discourse. Authors who have studied modern religious ways of dealing with the past have written about forms of commemoration, church rituals, their meaning, and events that leave their mark on church calendars and memorial practices; or have considered the Russian Orthodox Church as an agent of memory.

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Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024)

Published: 05.06.2024

Lead editor: Elena Nikiforova


Body as Responsibility and Independence: Women’s Experience of Transition into Adulthood

Ekaterina Bemler
Abstract 336 | PDF (Русский) Downloads 449
Page 4-22

Emotional Modes of Autobiographical Memory: Heroes and Victims of Different Generations

Natalia Gramatchikova, Yulia Zevako
Abstract 349 | PDF (Русский) Downloads 415
Page 23-50

Review Articles


Curating Russian-Language Literary Projects in War Time

Vitaly Lekhtsier
Abstract 341 | PDF (Русский) Downloads 597
Page 100-117

Book Reviews


Abstract 177 | PDF Downloads 292 PDF (Русский) Downloads 82
Page 163-166
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