Илья Кукулин. Машины зашумевшего времени: как советский монтаж стал методом неофициальной культуры. M.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2015


Alexandra Smith


Il’ia Kukulin’s book presents an expanded treatment of the montage techniques employed by many twentieth-century writers and artists that he has already explored in several previous publications. This well-researched book offers an in sightful and thoughtful account of different types of montage devices, ranging from Russian avant-garde artists’ and filmmakers’ experiments, to the documentary strategies in post-Soviet poetry involving elegiac juxtapositions of mnemonic narratives with photographs from the past. It exemplifies well Peter Burger’s pronouncement in his Theory of the Avant-Garde that “without the avant-garde notion of montage numerous realms of contemporary aesthetic experience would be inaccessible.”

Ключевые слова

техники монтажа, культурологические исследования, советские эксперименты, культура, постмодернизм

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