Wind, Fatigue, and Romance of the Night (on Peculiarities of New Residential Areas)
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“Atmosphere” is a key term and a key perspective we used to explore the peculiarities ofa new residential district in Saint Petersburg. Atmosphere is interpreted as an accentuation of the particular experiences and emotions connected to a specific place. We discovered that the atmosphere of the residential district that we studied is created by the efforts of the locals to overcome shortages of infrastructure, remoteness from the city center, numerous inconveniences, and imperfections of the place. Therefore, basic elements of the atmosphere are wind and fatigue. Numerous imperfections and challenges of the district seem to be overcome during the night time, when the darkness makes them invisible. This overcoming is an illusion, but it helps the locals to produce and maintain the positive attitude toward the place. Text in Russian.
Atmosphere, Microurbanism, City, New Residential Districts, Wind, Fatigue, Night
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